Turkey: Russia and the agreement on military operations in northern ...

Turkey: Russia and the agreement on military operations in northern ... Turkey: Russia and the agreement on military operations in northern Syria 0 years October day, Erdoğan President in Russia in Sochi, met with President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders, Turkey exchanged views on military operations in northern Syria to deploy, Kurdish armed organization of the People's Defense Force a (YPG) to center, eliminating the Syrian Democratic Army (SDF) from the border with Turkey such as that, it was agreed 0 items. For the same agreement, while Russian President Vladimir Putin has called it [decisive is very important, if not], Erdoğan President stated to be [historical]. The following is a summary of the important points of agreement. [Turkey Russia agreement (excerpt)] SDF is, from the portion becomes substantially the entire area of ​​the northeast border noon from Syria to within 0 hours of October day, to withdraw the Euphrates river, up to the Iraqi border. Russian troops and Syrian government forces, SDF to ensure that the withdrawal from the border area to 0 km.

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